Can You Help?

Urgent Donations For Labasa Hospital Are Requested

Placing Life Saving Tools In The Hands Of Surgeons

Members from VCF were moved with compassion after meeting with the Labasa Hospital Medical Staff and Hospital Board.

The Hospital has made an urgent request for life saving surgical equipment to alleviate the suffering of those in need of operations.

VCF’s donation will include specialised training and support to maintain the state-of-the-art surgical equipment.

Urgent items being sourced include:

• x2 Aspire Plus Anesthetic machines
• Associated accessories
• x2 operating tables
• Clinical training for the clinicians
• Technical training for the hospital-based biomedical engineers
• Ongoing Clinical and Technical support

Your donations will assist with sourcing the much-needed equipment and logistical challenges in moving the precious medical cargo from Australia through to Labasa. Every dollar helps.

Did You Know?

Labasa is the fourth largest city in Fiji and is found on the northern part of the island, Vanua Levu.
Its resource-poor hospital is an important referral centre and the heart of the island’s regional health care.


Ramakrishna Mission Fiji
Serve Fiji Foundation Inc

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