Donation Grid

Every Dollar Counts

Your Generous Donations Help Save Lives – Today

How You Can Help

We’ve made it even easier for you to participate in the great work of VCF through the gift of a tax-deductible donation to support our work. It’s as simple as clicking on the form above and filling out your information.

Things you should know:

. Your personal information is secure.
. Your donation is acknowledged, transparent and accounted for.
. No matter how large or small, every dollar matters.
. Your donation goes directly to support the campaign of your choice.

. You will immediately be emailed an official receipt for your donation and would be able to claim the tax exemption on the same.

It’s through your generous heart that we can help communities in Fiji, other Pacific Nations and India who are being delivered hope for a happier, healthier future.

Can You Lend Us A Hand?

Operating Theatres For Labasa Hospital

It has been more than 20 years since the operating theatre at Labasa Hospital, Fiji, was renovated. This situation is putting lives at risk and frustrating the dedicated medical teams who work so hard to meet the needs of a growing community.

VCF has held urgent talks with the Labasa Hospital management to source, supply, install much needed medical equipment. The work involves providing clinical and technical training for its team.

You can help make a difference TODAY.

Expanding Labasa’s Stretched Dialysis Hub

Labasa’s dialysis centre opened in 2015 saving sick Fijians the option of traveling or relocating to Central and Western District Divisions for aid…or losing the battle with kidney failure without local help.

However, the service needs to expand – urgently. What began servicing 13 people is now looking to help up to 50.

In early 2023, VCF teams sourced additional state-of-the-art dialysis units that will expand the capacity and capability of the service.

However, our teams are still in need of much needed funds to transport, install and provide clinical and technical training.

The need is urgent. Your tax deductible donation over $2 will deliver immediate help to the dialysis hub and its patients.

Labasa Community Wellbeing Project

Health practitioners in Labasa have been working closely with local villages of all ages and ethnicities to improve their wellbeing and health. This work has included providing important medical aids to offer great mobility and comfort in their lives.

The Labasa community has reached out to VCF for the delivery of a range of personal medical devices, from beds to walkers, wheel chairs and crutches.

We have the equipment ready to send. However, we need your help to provide local medical medical teams and engineers with the training and support they seek.

Every cent will help us move this equipment into the hands of vulnerable people who need this equipment.

Dialysis Units To Save Lives

“Labasa already had a lot of demand for dialysis because there was no centre…a lot of people could not be treated, and they died early because once their kidney fail that is their last option. Now, they have got an option of having dialysis.
So, it will give them another 10 – 15 years of being with the families.”

– Hazeem Hussein, Labasa Hospital Board Chairman, April 2023

Did You Know?

We are supporting Ramakrishna Vedanta Centre, Auckland as it embarks on a ground-breaking program to promote the mental wellbeing of the younger generation. Your gift can help support the meditation-based program to enhance the mental resilience of our youth, from children to adolescents.


Ramakrishna Mission Fiji
Serve Fiji Foundation Inc

The Vedanta Charity Foundation Philosophy

Inspired By A Divine Man

. This life is short, the vanities of the world are transient, but they alone live who live for others, the rest are more dead than alive.

. If the Lord grants that you can help any one of His children, blessed you are; do not think too much of yourselves. Blessed you are that privilege was given to you when others had it not. Do it only as a worship.

. Get up, and put your shoulders to the wheel – how long is this life for? As you have come into this world, leave some mark behind. Otherwise, where is the difference between you and the trees and stones? They, too, come into existence, decay and die.

. May I be born again and again, and suffer thousands of miseries so that I may worship the only God that exists, the only God I believe in, the sum total of all souls – and, above all, my God the wicked, my God the miserable, my God the poor of all races, of all species, is the special object of my worship.

Swami Vivekananda, chief disciple of Ramakrishna, was an Indian Hindu monk, philosopher, author and gifted religious teacher.

Learn How Your Donation Is Changing The Lives Of People With Every Cent That You Gift

Thank you for your help. Your involvement touches the hearts of our hardworking teams and ensures crucial aid reaches those who need it most.
You make a difference.