
Contact Us

We Welcome Your Feedback

We Want To Hear From You​

If you’re passionate about delivering hope to families in need of medical, educational, and community support in the Pacific and India, we invite you to get in touch with us today. Let’s work together to make a positive impact to create a better future for those who need it most.

Please write or call us with your questions or comments.


Parsons Bvd, Deception Bay, QLD, 4508, Australia


+61 407 800 899 or +61 411 248 239


Do You Have Time To Help Out?

Learn more about our partners who donate their time, expertise and dollars to impact the lives of needy families who need it most. Maybe you could help us make a difference?

A Collaborative Culture

“There is such a warmth of generosity and respect between all the VCF team members who I’ve come in contact with.
It’s so rare to experience such a collaboration of experts, so devoid of ego, and all on the same page to help others.
It’s such a supportive, encouraging team culture.”

– Kim Morant, VCF Volunteer, Queensland, Australia


Help Us Respond To Urgent Medical & Community Needs In The Pacific & India

Every donation over $2 is tax free. We also welcome your support for medical and educational needs. Speak to us TODAY.